Using MSU VPN for general users (Unofficial)

Virtual Private Network (VPN) is communication over the Internet. used as a channel for private communication with the network or used to communicate between corporate networks via public networks or the Internet. By creating a private channel or tunnel, known as a tunnel, the data transmitted through the tunnel is encrypted. and packet traffic at the network layer is encapsulated. (Encapsulated) It can also be used to prove the rights of users of the corporate networks as well. 

                                   Data communication and computer networks in business work : Assistant Professor Dr. Jaruay Sawithi

VPN User Guide for Web Browsers

Terms and Conditions of Use

  • We reserve the right to connect to and use the VPN for educational and research purposes only.
  • Use that violates the law 2007 Computer Crime Act, account holders who violate the law will be prosecuted by law no matter who uses the user account Therefore, the user must use the user account personally, not distribute it to others.
  • Using this network It can only be used on websites that are authorized by the university. In order not to use the resources of the university in a way that does not benefit.

Ask for information & Report usage problems

Networking and Communications computer bureau Mahasarakham University
Telephone number : 043-754400
Internal telephone number : 2499
* Business hours Monday - Friday 8.30 a.m. - 4.30 p.m.

Email : [email protected]
** For reporting problems via email, please describe the problem details. found by which may attach a picture so that the staff can analyze and solve problems faster